WCA German State Ranks - State Cup Custom Kinch Ranks and Teams

This page reflects the status of state cup applicants just before the state cup took place on October 5th, 2024 and will not be updated until the next state cup. See you next time!
All other pages are updated frequently.

The state cup is set to draw three out of those events randomly per match: 222, 333, 444, 333bf, 333oh, pyram, skewb, sq1, clock. These events are used to determine custom national average kinch scores per person, and a mean score per state. A person's kinch score is obtained from NR/PR * 100, with 0.0 if no result for the event, 100.0 if German NR-holder.

Teams are obtained from: 1. state ranks info / scores, 2. registration data, 3. willingness to compete (with another google form to fill out) in a first pass. This first pass determines the team by optimizing the expected performance in the state cup, simulating all possible teams per state, all event combinations, and all permutations of team members. The three highest ranked (via average_kinch) are not necessarily also optimal via expectation value. States with too few eligible members are filled up with honorary cubers from other states. For that we use: mean score per state to sort states, combine best with worst and so on (second pass). In a third pass, if still not all states have enough members, we add available cubers (first from states with lowest mean custom kinch).

Presentation (DEUTSCH):


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Alexander Botz, 2. Laura Holzhauer, 3. Patrick Hetco, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 181.82)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 35.89
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
58.26 2013BOTZ01 Alexander Botz Yes Yes
52.45 2016HOLZ01 Laura Holzhauer Yes Yes
51.96 2010KILD02 Wilhelm Kilders Yes Yes
49.57 2015KOEN01 Christian König No No
47.53 2011HETC01 Patrick Hetco Yes Yes
44.38 2021WALK02 Mats Walker No No
35.26 2023KNAC01 David Knack Yes Yes
34.68 2023KLIN02 Sebastian Kling Yes No
34.65 2021MEZL01 Eliah Mezler Yes No
32.58 2018STOC03 Michael Stocker Yes No
29.39 2023ENGL01 Jan Engling Yes Yes
29.22 2022RETT01 Richard Rettich Yes Yes
28.42 2017SCHW03 Nils Schweizer No No
25.56 2019HAAG01 Sarah Haag No No
25.12 2018REIN01 Martin Reinisch Yes Yes
24.72 2023SCHI03 Henning Schiek No No
23.46 2022ERBL01 Lucas Leon Erb Yes No
23.04 2023JOTH01 Tharun Muthiyalu Jothir No No
17.31 2021JEKL01 Nico Jekle Yes No
16.85 2018SCHU17 Thomas Schukraft Yes No
15.99 2013EKSI01 Melda Eksi No No
15.75 2024FINK02 Silas Fink Yes Yes
13.93 2022REUF01 Sonja Reufer Yes Yes
11.05 2023RAMP01 Lukas Rampmaier No No
9.75 2024SCHU18 Markus Schuster No No
7.52 2022GEHR01 Samuel Gehring Yes No
4.82 2022MEZL01 Lars Mezler Yes No
0.78 2023SCHN13 Vasilij Schneidermann No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Oliver Fritz, 2. Fabian Browa, 3. Jonas Pilhöfer, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 238.08)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 42.98
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
78.93 2014FRIT02 Oliver Fritz Yes Yes
65.35 2016KRAF01 Noah Kraft Yes Yes
62.17 2019BROW09 Fabian Browa Yes Yes
60.76 2019PILH01 Jonas Pilhöfer Yes Yes
45.3 2017KLEI02 Luis Kleinheinz Yes Yes
43.95 2020MIRZ01 Paul Mirza Yes No
43.59 2017KLOS01 Willem Klose Yes Yes
41.74 2017LOTZ01 Moritz Lotz Yes No
41.32 2018DAMK01 Fabian Damke Yes Yes
38.04 2016DHIM01 Tanish Dhiman Yes Yes
36.56 2010SCHM01 Leon Schmidtchen Yes No
35.21 2019MRZY01 Jeremy Mrzyglocki Yes No
30.45 2017PFAF01 Igor Pfaffenrot No No
30.26 2014FUCH01 Luna Fuchsloch No No
29.24 2022WALS03 Annalena Walser Yes No
28.9 2021MOSE02 Lara Moser Yes No
28.37 2021MAGO02 Quirin Mágori Yes Yes
24.94 2019ROHR01 Erika Rohrmeyer Yes No
24.35 2023PURB01 Alois Purbojo No No
22.92 2023ERNS01 Ludwig Ernst Yes No
22.56 2023KIST01 Michael Kistler Yes No
21.62 2023KREI03 Korbinian Kreiller No No
13.16 2022LIMM02 Kerry Limmer No No
12.79 2022MIHO01 Thomas Miholic Yes No
10.61 2022WULF01 Ricardo Klement Wulfhorst Yes No
8.92 2022MALN01 Maximilian Malnis Yes Yes
7.81 2023KAES01 Freda Kaeßmann No Yes
4.36 2023ALBR03 Jens-Christian Albrecht Yes No
3.38 2024MAIE02 Sebastian Maier No No
1.61 2013MOOS01 Julia Moosbauer No No
0.0 Newcomer Mika Spielvogel Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Elias Fischer, 2. Konstantin Jaehne, 3. Christoph Jadan, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 170.29)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 25.09
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
50.61 2013FISC01 Elias Fischer Yes Yes
49.82 2015JAEH01 Konstantin Jaehne Yes Yes
36.72 2017JADA01 Christoph Jadan Yes Yes
36.14 2012ICKL01 Finn Ickler Yes No
35.85 2019HAND01 Sören Jaan Handschuch No No
28.47 2022KONT01 Iason Kontopodis Yes Yes
27.0 2017BORS02 Maja von Borstel Yes No
23.53 2023RENK01 Milan Renkl Yes No
18.24 2023SCHR09 Lisa-Marie Schreiber No No
16.13 2020HABE01 Philipp Habermann No No
15.69 2022HOLZ01 Leopold Jonas Holzer No No
13.33 2009ZBIE01 Heike Zbierski Yes No
8.77 2024PATT05 Nando Patton No No
8.38 2023NICK02 Sven Nickel No No
7.0 2023BOLL04 Ole Bölling Yes Yes
6.87 2022KROL01 Louis Krolop No Yes
2.98 2023MUFF01 Paula Muffert Yes Yes
0.0 Newcomer Claudio Favino Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Emil Krause, 2. Johanna Gerhardt, 3. Leonard Maas

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 0.0
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
12.33 2023LEHM04 Oliver Lehmann Yes No
0.0 Newcomer Emil Krause Yes Yes
0.0 Newcomer Johanna Gerhardt Yes Yes
0.0 Newcomer Leonard Maas Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Finn Comerford, 2. Iason Kontopodis, 3. Ole Bölling

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 42.44
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
42.44 2023COME01 Finn Comerford Yes Yes
9.74 2024FREI04 Thore Freihold Yes No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Johanna Szczesny, 2. Anton Schröder, 3. Julius Claussen, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 121.58)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 20.03
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
42.82 2022SZCZ03 Johanna Szczesny Yes Yes
23.4 2023SCHR10 Anton Schröder Yes Yes
22.03 2023CLAU05 Julius Claussen Yes Yes
6.79 2019ERDA01 Tuna Kaya Erdal Yes Yes
5.09 2024HUND01 Frederik Hundertmark Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Kevin Gerhardt, 2. Malte Ihlefeld, 3. Jonathan Blöcher, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 227.44)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 40.35
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
78.3 2013GERH01 Kevin Gerhardt Yes Yes
58.04 2016IHLE01 Malte Ihlefeld Yes Yes
54.42 2018BLOC01 Jonathan Blöcher Yes Yes
44.9 2017BEEM02 Christian Beemelmann Yes Yes
41.95 2017CATA04 Ricardo Olea Catalán Yes No
40.95 2021LUUL01 Linh Son Luu Yes Yes
26.65 2018GALL02 Simon Gall Yes Yes
13.79 2019LUDW01 Hendrik Ludwig Yes Yes
12.89 2023WARZ04 Jan Warzecha No No
12.88 2019MAXF01 Fabian Max No No
9.37 2024HUBN03 Cajus Hübner No No
5.73 2024WAGN04 Felix Wagner Yes Yes
5.69 2023PIEP02 Julian Pieper No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Balder Henke, 2. Dominik Hinze, 3. Skye Perryn

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 36.34
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
48.04 2019HENK01 Balder Henke Yes Yes
32.51 2019HINZ02 Dominik Hinze Yes Yes
28.48 2021PERR02 Skye Perryn Yes Yes
22.36 2018ROTZ01 Luis Rotzoll No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Henri Gerber, 2. Magnus Lensch, 3. Hannes Müller, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 232.02)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 46.81
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
75.0 2014GERB01 Henri Gerber Yes Yes
74.01 2019LENS01 Magnus Lensch Yes Yes
49.1 2018MULL07 Hannes Müller Yes Yes
45.51 2023THUR01 Paul Benedikt Thurm Yes Yes
42.96 2010HUYN02 Duc Huynh Yes No
40.97 2022BOLT03 Patrick Bolte Yes Yes
39.05 2021DAHN01 Kiarah Avéline Dähne Yes Yes
36.25 2023AMBR04 Frederik Ambrosi Yes Yes
35.2 2014MEYE06 Kira-Lysan Meyer Yes Yes
33.87 2022ERRI01 Robin Errington Yes No
31.05 2021JANS01 Philipp Jansen Yes No
29.78 2021KOHL01 Lukas Köhler Yes No
28.82 2020DREH01 Wilhelm Drehling Yes No
27.46 2021GRIE01 Leonard Griebel Yes No
26.21 2020BESS01 Patrick Bessel Yes Yes
23.24 2023HULS01 Tim Hülsemann No No
14.33 2022ZURM01 Joran Zurmühl Yes No
11.19 2023OHNS01 Morten Ohnsorge Yes No
9.7 2022FURS03 Rainer Fürstenfeld No No
8.6 2020SCHR03 Christina Bessel Yes No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Joel Cetra, 2. Imanuel Leonid Müller, 3. Jan Bentlage, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 193.12)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 43.15
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
57.38 2016CETR01 Joel Cetra Yes Yes
56.95 2022MULL02 Imanuel Leonid Müller Yes Yes
54.05 2010BENT01 Jan Bentlage Yes Yes
49.39 2014HUTF01 Frederik Hutfleß No No
44.66 2022CRAM02 Justus Leander Cramer Yes Yes
41.82 2023ROPK01 Aurelia Röpke No Yes
40.49 2017MEYS02 Cedric Meysing No No
40.05 2021SPIE01 Achim Spies No No
39.5 2022SCHM01 Felix Christian Schmidt Yes Yes
38.93 2016DIET01 Amélie Dieterich Yes Yes
33.47 2019VOLK04 Mika Luke Völkel Yes No
32.46 2014OHLE01 Simone Bentlage Yes No
32.07 2020SCHL01 Katharina Schlomberg Yes No
31.95 2014VORL01 Marco Vorländer Yes Yes
30.78 2024JENZ01 Emil Jenz Yes No
27.45 2017NEUM01 Paul Neumann No No
25.21 2022BLUM01 Linus Blümel Yes No
24.55 2016RUEB01 Johannes Rueben No No
23.74 2023JASC01 Lion Jäschke Yes No
22.76 2012BALS01 Jonas Balsfulland Yes No
21.76 2019GEHR02 Janek Gehrlein Yes Yes
21.27 2023GREG02 Anton Henning von Gregory No No
18.91 2016FRIS02 Roland Frisch Yes No
17.89 2023PRAN04 Elias Mattis Prange Yes No
15.58 2024SWIT01 Jaron Erik Switek Yes No
15.38 2024WAGN01 Patrick P. Wagner No No
12.62 2017BRIN01 Marc Felix Brinner Yes No
12.01 2024CONR03 Phillip Conrad Yes No
11.61 2024DAFN01 Marios Dafnis-Kouris No No
11.12 2023KRUG02 Ben Krug Yes No
9.13 2022HEID03 Ayli Tahmasebi Heidarabad No No
8.9 2022MIRA02 Alex Mirau No No
5.53 2023WILH02 Stephan Wilhelm No No
3.35 2022BANA04 Felix Banaszak No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Annika Stein, 2. Mark Zimmermann, 3. Jens Haber

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 29.75
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
38.85 2014STEI03 Annika Stein Yes Yes
32.26 2018ZIMM02 Mark Zimmermann Yes Yes
31.84 2023STIL03 Louis Stil No No
30.7 2022WENK01 Tim Kalle Wenkel No No
27.64 2023BALL02 Samuel Francis Ballas No Yes
23.08 2019SCHU08 Christian Schüssler No No
18.14 2018HABE02 Jens Haber Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Alexis Fedeler, 2. Paul Cassalette, 3. Jonathan Dittmer

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 37.39
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
41.85 2018XIAO03 Dunhui Xiao (肖敦慧) No Yes
37.39 2015FEDE01 Alexis Fedeler Yes Yes
37.01 2018SCHM05 Sophia Schmoll Yes No
36.53 2017SCHM09 Francesco Schmitt No No
11.45 2023LUDK01 Max Lüdke No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Nicos Ahlgrimm, 2. Rafael Fellmann, 3. Daniel Walther, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 136.11)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 25.33
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
36.59 2017AHLG01 Nicos Ahlgrimm Yes Yes
35.18 2018FELL02 Rafael Fellmann Yes Yes
28.52 2022HETT02 Matthias Hettwer Yes Yes
18.87 2024ROPE01 Jonas Ropella Yes Yes
18.14 2024WALT16 Daniel Walther Yes Yes
14.8 2022KROK02 Lars Krökel Yes No
14.7 2015POSC01 Ole Pöschl Yes Yes
10.06 2023ZIAE01 Armin Ziaei Yes No
9.25 2024MART32 Ben Marten Yes No
2.86 2024HETT03 Dorlies Hettwer No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Ottfried Kejs, 2. Maximilian Grote, 3. Lukas Rettler

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 25.34
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
41.47 2010WEYE02 Sebastian Weyer Yes No
29.88 2012KEJS01 Ottfried Kejs Yes Yes
26.37 2019GROT01 Maximilian Grote Yes Yes
19.78 2014RETT01 Lukas Rettler Yes Yes
6.34 2023BART05 Luisa Barth No No


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Nik Maraun, 2. Jeremias Knops, 3. Simon Dimpker, (winning likelihood team score if multiple teams from this state were possible: 117.18)

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 18.94
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
44.32 2014MATH02 Carsten Matheus No No
41.43 2021MARA01 Nik Maraun Yes Yes
29.1 2023KNOP04 Jeremias Knops Yes Yes
25.06 2021DIMP01 Simon Dimpker Yes Yes
13.33 2023FRAN37 Max Frankiewicz Yes No
9.88 2017CASS01 Paul Cassalette Yes Yes
8.16 2023DITT01 Jonathan Dittmer Yes Yes
5.28 2023STEF10 Tjark Steffen Yes No
4.75 2023DITT02 Josephine Dittmer Yes No
1.68 2024MAAS01 Finn-Luca Maas Yes No
0.0 Newcomer Gesa Seifert Yes Yes


Preliminary state cup team (must have stated willing_to_compete): 1. Simon Kalhofer, 2. Lukas Lange, 3. Alexander Hesse

Current state custom kinch scores, mean of this state (willing_to_compete only): 26.06
average_kinch WCA Id Name registered_at_comp willing_to_compete
47.54 2016SCHO08 Jakob Schöley No No
42.2 2012KALH01 Simon Kalhofer Yes Yes
28.61 2023SOKO04 Oliver Sokolović No No
21.69 2013LANG02 Lukas Lange Yes Yes
14.29 2016HESS02 Alexander Hesse Yes Yes