Annika Stein

Physicist @ ETAP, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


Novel jet flavour tagging algorithms exploiting adversarial deep learning techniques with efficient computing methods and preparation of open data for robustness studies

Annika Stein

Jet Flavour Tagging OpenData Sample

Annika Stein, Taylor C. Briggs

A collection of low-level information useful for classifying a particle jet's flavour, i.e. related to the jet's constituents like charged or neutral particle flow candidates, or secondary vertex information. This is the first openly available dataset of that kind that has been derived with experiment-specific software run on top of CERN Open Data and then stored in experiment-independent format, making ROOT or similar frameworks obsolete. Get ready to jump into this fruitful particle physics task without worrying about containers, special tools and physics terminology.

Contribution: Prepared the dataset with a framework to extract and calculate low-level information based on jet constituent properties. A set of plugins and scripts have been written to facilitate the production with high-performance computing infrastructures, for experts with CMSSW experience. To facilitate exchange with other (academic) communities, I derived a novel file structure that is fully independent of experiment-specific software and which does not require any experience with ROOT. I then executed production and conversion of the samples. The file structure has been exchanged with the co-author, whose feedback was included for the public version of the dataset. I modified an exemplary notebook that shows how to use the files directly on the kaggle platform, increasing the datasets's usability score.

A modern framework for jet tagger development

From training to first data-to-simulation agreement results in one go

Annika Stein

arXiv preprint
July 2023

This paper presents a new tool to perform various steps in jet tagger development in an efficient and comprehensive way. A common data structure is used for training, as well as for performance evaluation in data. The introduction of this new framework reduces the amount of data to be stored while accomplishing the same tasks, and shortens waiting times between algorithm development and data-to-simulation results becoming available from months to days, taking typical CMS experiment pipelines as a reference. Proper utilization of high-throughput systems enables first data-to-simulation studies with a recent neural network architecture, Particle Transformer, adapted to jet flavour tagging. Unlike official implementations of the collaboration, the new framework allows investigating different variants, like different training paradigms, and their impact on data/simulation agreement, without producing any new large files on disk, and within the same run of the analysis framework. Besides being more time- and storage-efficient and thus enabling the first results of that kind to be available just few hours after finishing neural network training, the framework is currently the only realization capable of studying how adversarial techniques affect data/simulation agreement for tagger algorithm outputs as well as inputs.

Contribution: Came up with the entire restructured framework design, developed it to be production-ready and showed first application to a new algorithm.

A first look at early 2022 proton-proton collisions at √s = 13.6 TeV for heavy-flavor jet tagging

CMS Collaboration

Detector Performance Summary, CMS, CERN
CMS DP-2023/012
March 2023

Identification of jets stemming from heavy-flavor (bottom or charm) hadrons relies primarily on the inputs due to reconstruction of charged particle tracks and secondary vertices contained in these jets. Thus, it is crucial to study the data vs. simulation distributions of the kinematic variables that are used as inputs for the heavy-flavor tagging algorithms. With the start of LHC Run 3, new track reconstruction methods and changes of the general data-taking conditions have been introduced in the CMS experiment. In this note, a comparison of early Run 3 data vs. simulation distributions for several input variables, tagging discriminants, and other relevant kinematic observables in four different phase space regions that are enriched in b, c, and light (udsg) jets, is presented. The proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS detector during the early part of the 2022 run, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.65 fb−1, has been used for this study.

Contribution: Wrote code to produce samples, modified code to switch from Run 2 to Run 3 setup, involving new jet collection (PUPPI), and extended input collections (DeepJet). Advised the entire commissioning team on how to efficiently split and produce the samples with CMS tool "CRAB", supported in case of questions or problems with the CMS software + grid resources, and produced samples containing 2022 data myself. Contributed configuration to run the framework at different computing clusters with various priority queues, leading to a net increase of throughput for individual analysers getting the required amount of cores + core hours. Investigated newly added features in a pre-commissioning study to determine their best representation with histograms and checked their validity in an independent cross-check. Parts of my master thesis code are re-used to simplify access and obtain reproducible visualization of tagger input features which requires understanding of their definitions and physical meaning. I kept up with developments of other POGs to include latest recommendations in object selections and ensured the code is in line with official experiment- and era-specific guidelines. I identified a vast amount of (edge) cases and difficult-to-catch technicalities during extensive code review to ensure usability and consistent results across phase spaces and calibrations.

Improving robustness of jet tagging algorithms with adversarial training: exploring the loss surface

Annika Stein

Proceedings of 21th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research : AI meets Reality (ACAT 2022), to be published in the Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
arXiv:2303.14511 [hep-ex] | Contribution

In the field of high-energy physics, deep learning algorithms continue to gain in relevance and provide performance improvements over traditional methods, for example when identifying rare signals or finding complex patterns. From an analyst’s perspective, obtaining highest possible performance is desirable, but recently, some attention has been shifted towards studying robustness of models to investigate how well these perform under slight distortions of input features. Especially for tasks that involve many (low-level) inputs, the application of deep neural networks brings new challenges. In the context of jet flavor tagging, adversarial attacks are used to probe a typical classifier‘s vulnerability and can be understood as a model for systematic uncertainties. A corresponding defense strategy, adversarial training, improves robustness, while maintaining high performance. Investigating the loss surface corresponding to the inputs and models in question reveals geometric interpretations of robustness, taking correlations into account.

Contribution: Conducted the entire study, wrote the code, interpreted the results and derived new ideas on top of that, designed the poster (see the original here) and then wrote the proceedings. Follow-up of this publication.

Adversarial training for b-tagging algorithms in CMS

CMS Collaboration (Annika Stein)

Detector Performance Summary, CMS, CERN
CMS DP-2022/049
October 2022

Modern neural networks bring considerable performance improvements in various areas of high-energy physics, such as object identification. Flavour-tagging is one example that profits from complex architectures, leveraging information from large numbers of low-level inputs. While such tagging algorithms are evaluated on data and simulation for analysis purposes, training is usually performed with simulated samples only. Differences in performance between these two domains are observed which need to be calibrated against. With a new strategy, called adversarial training, we reduce the observed differences prior to any calibration, and improve robustness of the classifier against injected mis-modelings that mimic systematic uncertainties. In this note, studies on adversarial robustness and agreement between data and simulation are carried out with the DeepJet algorithm, evaluated on Run2 samples. The addition of an adversarial module is envisaged to be included in newly developed tagging algorithms for Run3.

Contribution: All steps starting from custom dataset production to the presentation of final results were performed by me, which I then summarized in the note.

Improving Robustness of Jet Tagging Algorithms with Adversarial Training

Annika Stein, Xavier Coubez, Spandan Mondal, Andrzej Novak, Alexander Schmidt

Computing and Software for Big Science, 6 (2022) 15
arXiv:2203.13890 [] |
Code | March 2022 (preprint v1) | published 10 Sep 2022 (Comput Softw Big Sci).

Deep learning is a standard tool in the field of high-energy physics, facilitating considerable sensitivity enhancements for numerous analysis strategies. In particular, in identification of physics objects, such as jet flavor tagging, complex neural network architectures play a major role. However, these methods are reliant on accurate simulations. Mismodeling can lead to non-negligible differences in performance in data that need to be measured and calibrated against. We investigate the classifier response to input data with injected mismodelings and probe the vulnerability of flavor tagging algorithms via application of adversarial attacks. Subsequently, we present an adversarial training strategy that mitigates the impact of such simulated attacks and improves the classifier robustness. We examine the relationship between performance and vulnerability and show that this method constitutes a promising approach to reduce the vulnerability to poor modeling.

Contribution: Conducted the entire study form start to finish myself, main author. First I performed a similar study for my master thesis, then I rewrote the framework for a new data structure, redid the analysis introducing more validations, interpreted the results and acted as corresponding author. Presented first here.
